EES maintains an intense dedication to each individual child’s development and well-being throughout his or her educational experience. The curriculum is a developmentally appropriate, research-based instructional practice that is culturally and linguistically appropriate for the families and children served. All instructional practices are based on current early education research. Each EES child has a unique developmental profile that includes both developmental assessments and a child’s individual samplings of art and pre-literacy.
Children learn best in an environment with consistent limits where they are allowed to make choices leading toward self-direction, independence, creativity and divergent thinking. Program activities include both active and quiet components, child- and teacher-directed tasks, group and individual work.
Cognitive competence
Literacy and math skills
Fine and gross motor skills
Healthy habits
Interactions with adults and peers
Interest in books and learning
Language comprehension and expression
Number concepts, measuring, time, and order
Safe individual and group behavior
Self-awareness and self-regulation
Achieve school readiness through open-ended and success-oriented methods.
Develop a positive attitude toward school and learning.
Develop self-discipline and problem-solving skills.
Develop respect for others through cooperation and cultural awareness.
Develop a sense of security and positive self-image.
Develop self-help skills through routines of washing, dressing, eating, resting, and toileting.
Develop communication skills, providing the foundation for effective oral and written expression.